“Man is not worried by real problems so much as by his imagined anxieties about real problems” Epictetus It is fascinating to me that a philosopher from so long ago could pinpoint the issues that I suffer from today. I want to fool myself that this is not what I am doing. Honestly, when we…
Take Action Now to Reach the Point
There is a story that has been floating around the internet for a while that extenuates the point. An American tourist talking to a Mexican fisherman (here). It is a very striking story as to what purpose we are working towards. We just plod along through our daily lives not really looking around and admiring…
Seize More Than You Will Ever Need Right Now
What if I told you that right now, you have more than you will ever need to be happy in your life. Would you believe me? This thing is not something that can be purchased but humans always believe otherwise. People have been searching throughout the centuries for the thing in life that will bring…
Act Now for Your Life Goal Analysis Essentials
When it comes down to it, do you really know what you want to do? What are you really wanting to do in the future? Do you even know? People usually say they do but when asked to write it down, there is hesitation. We know that we want to be rich but do we…
Stoicism Addressing a Short Time to Live
It’s not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it Seneca The eternal discussion that we have with ourselves, “If I only had more time in life, I would be able to accomplish all of my goals, I only have a short time to live on this…